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Friday 7 November 2014

post production - editing

I continued adding in the base tracks today along with more markers to help me place thing where I want them to go.

YELLOW - lip sync for the word walking, as on some clips I started singing from the word walking rather than I.

PINK - for where I wanted to add in the clip of the girls laughing/ looking at the image of the "bad boy'.
( the specific image was chosen because in the image the guy looks dangerous and his features are sharp)

ORANGE 1 - For where I will add in the clip of girls looking at the bad bad boy
ORANGE 2 - ''' Good boy 

The orange are simply an idea I am not 100% sure of I will use that idea, as I feel it may not fit.

After I finished adding in my base tracks, I begin placing marker in for the beats. Then when I finished adding the beats in, I sliced all the footage.

When editing I was deleting clips that i didn't want from the clips i had sliced at some point or another i confused myself and lost track, then ended up messing up way too much and forgetting what I was doing.

After a while I decided to just have fun with it and carry on then, start again from where i had added the beats in another day.

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