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Thursday 6 November 2014

Review of 06.11.2014


  • We have hopefully completed all filming and re shooting that needs to be done such as the projector scene and the re shoot outside in Angel.
  • We filmed a variety of shots including close ups.
  • We have successfully imported our footage onto the video drive and onto Final Cut Pro. 
  • We have started to add markers to the footage we filmed today.
  • It was relatively sunny today which added nice light to our clips.

  • As we spent this lesson filming, we haven't been able to spend out lesson editing.
  • The bubble scene is quite dark, which wouldn't work well in the music video as there is huge contrast between bright and dark. As we are using a bright and upbeat song, this wouldn't match the song and it looks too harsh so we won't be using the bubble projector part but we are still keeping the lips and flowers.
  • To continue editing.

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