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Monday 17 November 2014

Review of 17.11.2014

Today was our last day of filming. We used the projector and a light, keeping it simple as the bridge is slow and is stripped back. Li has heavy eye makeup which keeps the focus on the raw emotion of the bridge as this part is very different to the rest of the song, in contrast to the more upbeat and fun rest of the song. This allows the audience to differentiate the bubbly side of the song to this emotional part. These shots were effective as the lighting was good, and the shots were well framed. Overall this was a successful filming day as we used our time effectively. 

Testing the dedo light on Li, we started off with a square shape but found the circular shape more effective.

Here I am filming a close up of Li being 'sad' and dramatic for the bridge as it's slow and emotional. We used the dedo light and turned off all the lights to make sure all the focus is on Li and the song lyrics.

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