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Friday 5 December 2014

Production of Music Video: Progress Review Blog

How has my blogging developed?

I've got a wider range of media technologies I use when presenting my blogs instead of just text and pictures. I have continued to put in more detail and kept it all relevant to the work in A2 Media.

How successfully did I detail everything?

I made sure all the blog posts for research, planning & the construction were labelled clearly. I kept it relevant to the questions asked and I made it clear to someone who may be seeing our blog for the first time. At each step of the making of the music video, it was clear what we were doing, especially if anything changed. My blog posts have been produced in such a way that anyone would understand what is happening, no matter how late they came to see what we were doing for our music video production.

How happy am I with my individual blogging so far?

I am extremely pleased with not only the quantity of blog posts I have produced, but also the quality. I have managed to post full posts full of detail. However, I know I have managed to go over board with some blog posts. Even though I deleted some irrelevant posts, I need to be careful I don't over-blog because some posts aren't that important. I have managed to have a balance of individual work and group posts, and made sure I put the same effort in both so my whole blog overall is to an excellent standard.

How many individual blog posts do I have?

I have 45 posts that I have posted on my own and I am pleased with the detail & quality of each and every one.

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