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Saturday 20 September 2014

Reflecting back on AS year

What is a Music Video?

In this last few lessons of the AS year we focused on learner what a music video really is and some of their main purposes.
"A videotaped performance of a recorded popular song, usually accompanied by dancing and visual images interpreting the lyrics"
This is the definition which was used as a simplistic way of defining what a music video really is. We also learned that the production of a music video unlike that of a TV drama a music video utilizes a very different structure from that of a TV drama and much different editing and camera techniques. We also learned that music videos are very key to raising an artist's popularity with the audience overall helping to increase the sales of both their singles and their album releases.

The purpose of a music video?

The purpose of a music video is to promote the artist this is done through a number of different steps:

1.  Sell the song to the audience in a way which makes it memorable
2. Help the audience understand stand to song more so hat they are able to engage with both the visual and audio in the video.
3. Highlight the talents of the artist to help keep the audience entertained.

Lastly we learned a bit about MTV and what was the first video ever shown on there:

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