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Thursday 18 September 2014

Research for Music Video: Previous Student Video Review

Valeza, Jessica, Erika and Stavroulla - 2011

Valeza, Jessica, Erika, Stavroulla from 283goswell on 
Dipika, Eda, Alia, Judith from 283goswell on Vimeo.

In this group, we can tell the genre is Dubstep and the intended audience is young people or teenagers who like to party. The narrative is used effectively because she is staring at the camera most of the time to really connect with the audience. There are selective framing shots where it focuses on the features on her face, then her face, and other close-ups too.

The black and white effect worked because of the saturation - if it wasn't saturated enough it would look like a classic or old-fashioned video which would contradict with the genre of the music. (Disjuncture). The dance in the video was well-executed and added dimension to the video too. It was effective because the dancers matched along with the beat of the song.

Dipika, Eda, Alia and Judith - 2011

I think this group had many strengths, including the way they used a photograph and then moved it away from the camera, to reveal the actual setting behind it. It added a 3D kind of experience to it for the viewers. However, as a performer, she was not strong because her body was rigid and didn't really match the singer's voice. The shots were very clever, especially the close-up of half of her face. I also liked the mise en scene because they were always very vibrant and suited the song.

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