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Thursday 25 September 2014

Research for music video: Lip Syncing Video Storyboard

Song: Delilah - Never Be Another
Performer from the group: Julie
Prop used: quirky sunglasses

We're making a re-make of the firs 50 seconds of the song Delilah - Never Be Another and we've come up with a story board for shots we want to use. As this song doesn't have its own music video, it allows us to experiment and start off with our own ideas, without being influenced. Our group imagined a young girl with heavy eye make-up singing about her broken heart. She's in a very local area with lots of greenery etc.

Here are the first six shots/potential shots we have got planned for the practical 
Our main base tracks are the close-up shots of her face when she is singing, the shot near a wall (tracking shot), and other shots including jump cuts of her in the park and she is all sorts of positions (standing, sitting etc)

We want the last shot to be of the performer ripping up the paper and the pieces falling down onto the camera lens, hopefully then having the last piece drop onto the lens so we can fade out the video and song in the end.

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