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Thursday 18 September 2014

Research for Music Video: Function of a Music Video (& analysis)

What is the function of a music video?

The music video has a number of purposes, but its main purpose to PROMOTE the single, the album and the single is from and, of course, the artist.

Here's an example (in my opinion) that is an excellent example of the music video form.

This is a prime example of portraying Rita Ora's very girly and fashionable side of her personality. We see her almost like a diva with her girls, and unlike most female artists nowadays, she is well-clothed and it shows her as a respectable woman. We also hear her voice clearly, expressing her amazing vocals (as a successful music artist).

Rita Ora in this video also takes part in some dance choreography, to possibly show her other creative talents other than singing - so it appeals to her audience of young teens (mainly girls), showing she is talented in all sorts of areas. We see her with very simple make-up and sometimes almost bare, helping to illustrate that women are beautiful without all the excess make-up.

The music video starts off with a post-production edit with Rita Ora in a black and white photograph, a film that has been freshly printed. She is simply singing and has her eye on the camera almost all the time to really engage with the audience and to almost include them in the song and music video.

"I Will Never Let you Down" has been clearly presented to help promote the artist but also help to promote her fashion and the way she dresses. (This could inspire other girls and young women to want to be like her). Then the music video also promotes the song with a visually pleasing creation to watch whilst enjoying the song. Her name is also promoted in the beginning with a title.

In general, this music video really does represent Rita Ora as the fun, yet simple person she is. It helps the audience to enjoy her music and the way she looks too. It isn't too over the top and it isn't fake (using too many special effects or unrealistic settings).

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