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Thursday 9 October 2014

Pitch - Draft Digipak and Advertisement - Sabiha

As we don't have pictures of our artist yet from the music video and own photo shoots, I've improvised and left space for the pictures. The CD pack will be measured 12cm by 12cm. I think the red bandanna border is effective because of the synergy. There is a list of songs which all have names that would lie under the theme of love, break-ups and female independence. The font is consistent through out the CD pack, front and back, which allows the theme to flow. There is a logo of an independent label I have made up in the bottom left hand corner called Ignatz Records.

Using Apple will be useful because it is the largest online music store in the world and apart from illegal downloading or streaming, young people can buy their music off their portable devices in one click. I carried on using the font from our CD pack and kept the theme of the red bandanna consistent.

We could also advertise with:

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