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Thursday 2 October 2014

Research for Music Video: Reflection on Progress

How well did I do last year?

For a beginner at media studies, I think I did well last year in relation to using new applications and software and quickly picking up skills needed to make an effective blog and opening for a film. They were simpler than what we are using this year, but complicated in some aspects. For example, when using Final Cut Pro, I had to adapt to the software of Apple and be able to use all features of the app. I could've used more ways to present my blogs, rather than just typing.

What about this year?

I'm using more complicated and advanced software so I need more patience as well. Also, blogging has become more intense as I have more research to do and more planning for the music video. I am using more ways to present my ideas such as the following:

What mark would I give myself out of 20?

Looking at the work I have done so far, I would give myself 18 out of 20 because:

  1. I have used a wide variety of apps/websites to produce my blog posts
  2. They are all detailed and worded well
  3. I have uploaded most of my blogs well before the deadline date
What do I need to improve?

  1. I could do more independent work and research
  2. Try and involve myself more (videos)

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