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Thursday 9 October 2014

Planning: Analysis of 3 music videos

Ariana Grande - The Way

From this video, we are going to be using the idea of a projection of images onto the performer. It adds a filter and allows us to use close-ups of the performer's face too. It adds to the theme of a fun and young scene.

Little Mix - Wings

We will use the bandana look from this video of the performers. It is stylish and keeps it also simple. We will also feature it in our digipak because it is almost like a signature element of the performer. We will either do a pink or red bandana and match a very bright lipstick with it to keep a continuous theme going throughout the song. The bright clothes of these singers in Little Mix are also something we will use because the singer is young, and the song is very upbeat.

Beyonce - Irreplaceable

Here, the artist also wants another man because she is not happy with the current man she is with. She is a strong, independent woman and wants to be set free, just like the singer for our music video. Like this video, we are going to have various shots (including base tracks) of the performer on her own. She will be staring at the camera most of the time too.

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