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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Production of music video: Reflection on filming

Successfulness of costume choices:
Our costume choices have changed and developed through our planning to pitch.
I believe our costume choices are successful. Red is the main focus which is shown through the bandana, lipstick and red vans. Two out of the three outfits are monochrome which keeps it simple as one outfit is very bright and colourful.

Successfulness of locations:
Angel 'Love what you do' - This was successful as the background is very colourful and bright which matches the song and our artist.
Carnaby Street: As there was too many people in Carnaby Street, they would disrupt our filming by staring, asking questions, getting in the way, bringing attention to themselves on camera we decided to use a nearby street next to Carnaby Street which was similar but much more quieter. Although it is to be expected the general public still did make filming harder as they were a distraction. However the location Newburgh Street still had the same visual effect we imagined for Carnaby Street.
Bombay Burrito: We gained permission from Bombay Burrito to film as we particularly liked their decor, black and white wallpaper. The shots in there were extremely successful as we went after the lunch rush, it was very quiet and other people were not a distraction! There was lots of space to set up the dedo light too which was great.
Southbank: We filmed on the merry go round which didn't come out as expected. It went really fast so the camera was shaky and dark. We also filmed infront of a colourful painting in Southbank, this also attracted the attention of people but as we weren't in the middle of the pathway we were still able to film good shots.
Leak Tunnel: In this tunnel, there is graffiti and spray paint everywhere. It is extremely creative and cool in there despite the fumes. Our shots worked well in there, Li got increasingily confident as a performer too so her body language was very effective.
Infront of the London Eye (Southbank): We filmed on the grass here. It went well!

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