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Tuesday 21 October 2014

Planning: Product placement in music videos

Product placement is when companies subtly promote their products, usually without explicit reference to the product. Most commonly, branded products are features in movies, television shgows or other media. 

This is an example of product placement on TV. Here we can see Coca Cola drinks on the table, so this promotes Coca Cola whilst American Idol is on. Judges are seen holding and drinking the drink too.

However, product placement in music videos have been increasingly popular recently. Artists earn money from companies asking to feature in their videos, and the companies earn money from the publicity they receive. In 2010, Lady Gaga - Telephone was the first music video to shock people as it featured 9 brands of product placement (shown below).

Product placement doesn't always have to be advertising products from other brands! Britney Spears often promotes herself and her perfumes in her videos, which helps to advertise her perfume to a wider audience. For example in Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me her perfume 'Radiance' is promoted.

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