Come and find us!

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Planning: choice of costume, setting/location & props

Costume ideas:

  • Red sneakers because it's young, portrays a sense of "swagger" and keeps it simple because our artist isn't overly feminine with heels etc.
  • Red lipstick so it can be used as a synergy item along with the red bandana - all eye catching and keeps a memorable experience for the audience.
  • The shirt is cool, hip and has "boys" written on it along with logos and signs. This makes it youthful and funky (like our artist)

Setting ideas:

Product Placement:

Product placement has become so popular recently, especially in pop songs so we thought it would be clever to use a coke bottle. It is simple, distinctive/recognisable, and will suit our pop video. We will use a coke bottle in the shot when she is in the cafe with the boy and is just having a drink - whilst being bored of the guy. (As mentioned in the lyrics - "I'm getting bored". It'll also be clever because our theme is mainly bright red.

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