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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Planning: Reflection on Progress blog

In reflection to my 'Reflection on Progress' for research I believe I have improved however there is always room for improvement. My posts are informative and clear, with the right amount of detail and I try to make it interesting to read. I do this by using different ways of presenting the information such as images, videos and different forms of ICT. However I still need to do more extra blogging, and post different things that are specified on the blogging checklist.

My two new targets are to:

  1. Make sure to do more individual blog posts that aren't specified on the blogging checklist.
  2. Try to do the posts that I'm set as soon as possible or they build up. 

I would give myself a 17 out of 20 as I believe I have demonstrated a good level of care in my research, planning and presentation. 

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