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Wednesday 1 October 2014

Research for Music Video: Evaluation of our lip sync tutorial

We followed Vernalli's theory in the post production quite well.

  • We edited the 50 second clip to the beat of the song.
  • We used obvious edits such as fast motion, slow motion and a layered filter which our peers found went well with the song. 
  • We also used a number of base tracks, including close ups which are very effective and important in music videos. 
However we had a few problems in post production as some parts are out of sync, this is very obvious when it is shown on a big screen so we must make sure that our music video is in sync.

From the lip syncing tutorial I have learnt about markers and base tracks, markers are used to mark the beat and a prominent word, in this case we used the word "babe" as this is significant. By using markers it allows for us to edit, add in base tracks and make sure it is in sync. 

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