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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

This is the promotional music video on Vimeo. We used 'Dirty Love' by Cher Lloyd.

Synergy is when one or more products work together for a successful outcome. It is important as they all help ensure a successful outcome. We planned to use synergy through the red during the planning stages after looking at other female pop artists such as Rita Ora, Rihanna and Taylor Swift. Our synergy is the red bandana used in our promotional music video and ancillary products as well as red lips. Also, the same person who sings features in the video and ancillary products, making it easily recognisable by the audience. The synergy links between my products is quite successful as there is a clear link, my target audience recognised that the red bandana and lips are the synergy element and they liked the sophisticated red colour. My promotional package is girly yet simple which would attract young teenage girls that are interested in the pop genre. I think my target audience would be attracted to my promotional package as I have taken ideas from successful existing artists and incorporated the ideas in my own work.

As shown above, in every media product I have included the red bandana and red lipstick. In the promotional video, we had the red bandana in various places, mainly on her hand but we have shots of the bandana around her neck and hand. The synergy was shown throughout the music video apart from the bridge, the slow part to show a contrast between the upbeat tempo to the slow tempo. On my digipak, I have still included the red bandana but the rest of the photo is black and white. This makes the red really stand out to the audience and highlights the visual link between all my products. The two same fonts have been used throughout my digipak to my advertisement, 'cute love' and 'Geo Sans Light' which shows a direct visual link between the two. I have continued the visual link by making the font of 'Saffron' the same colour as the bandana. It looks less harsh and tacky in comparison to the typical red. The audience can clearly identify my digipak, advertisement and promotional video as linked products as the same person features in them all and the red synergy elements.

Rita Ora's digipak inspired me as it's simple yet clearly shows the album name, artist name and shows the artist herself. The colour scheme is quite neutral with the red standing out, which is something I did on my own digipak too. She has a clear visual link through the digipak to the music video. This is something I have illustrated in my promotional package. 

Overall I believe the combination of my main product and ancillary texts is effective as the red synergy is used throughout the video and stands out in my ancillary, making it easily recognisable as linked products by my target audience. 

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