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Thursday 22 January 2015

Evaluation Question 3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Apps and websites used in conjunction with blogger to display your work:

Use of internet

Use of photoshop (Ancillary - Digipak):

The video on the left shows me using phototshop for my digipak. In the video you can see me working on one of the inside panels as I am trying to add a shadow to the CD in hopes of making it look more realistic.

Use of photoshop (Ancillary - Advertisement):

Use of Final-Cut Pro (Music video and Digital Storyboard:

Digital storyboard: This video shows me working on the digital story board for the pitch. In the video you can see me importing the images for the storyboard and cut them to go with the beat of the song.

Creating markers and cutting: In this video you can see me putting in the markers (to add markers press the M key on the keyboard) for my music video and then start cutting the footage in order for me to decided what base track to use in that section.

Working on lip syncing and adding base tracks: This video shows me working on lip syncing by adding a marker when we hear the singer sing her first lyric. I then can be seen adding in some of the base tracks and lip syncing them with                      the music.

Use of the Blog: (Made on Canva)

Use of Camera:


Overall I have used technology for many different things in each stage of this coursework. Each piece of technology has been used in different ways depending on the stage I am at and every format I have used has a different step by step process. 

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