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Monday 19 January 2015

Evaluation Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We received feedback on our music video throughout the editing process. Audience feedback helped us change things in light of their feedback. After the rough cut screening, we received comments such as...

'When Saffron appears with a female friend. It looks random and doesn't fit the song.'

In light of this.. We removed this clip and replaced it with a different base track that was just Saffron by herself. This feedback was important as we want our target audience to understand the music video and be clear of what's happening which is why we removed it.

'The motorcycle scene is nice but it's too dark'

In light of this.. We replaced this scene with a clear, well lit shot as we were unable to reshoot as the motorcycle was a one off opportunity. This feedback was important because it will look bad and unprofessional if shots aren't well lit, this wouldn't attract our target audience.

'The editing in the boy scene is out of beat'

In light of this, we reapplied the markers and made absolute sure the markers were on time with the beat so the editing was in time with the song. This was useful feedback because once again if it was out of beat it would look completely off, especially in the cinema. The unprofessional editing would no attract our target audience. We changed this straight to ensure that our music video was in sync with the music.

All the audience feedback we received throughout the editing process helped us improve and progress. It helped us to find out what looked good, what didn't and what suits the genre and song. All of this information shaped our final music video. Without audience feedback, we wouldn't be aware of what works well. We made changes in light of people's feedback to make sure the overall quality was as good as it could possibly be on our finished piece. It helped us make a successful music video. In conclusion, audience feedback is very important

At the cinema screening. we received a good reaction, there was cheers and positive comments. I learned that conventions must be followed because if something looks unusual to the audience, it confuses them. Audience commended the use of costume/makeup because it is conventional to be bright, girly and colourful. Her performance of bubbly and a fun youthful personality really showed in the music video, so this is expected of someone from the pop genre in contrast to someone from the indie genre who may look 'introverted'. Her confident, natural performance is important to an audience because they want to see someone who looks natural instead of awkward and stiff.

I collected lots of audience feedback during the making if my ancillary products, this allowed me to see what others thought was effective or not so effective. The feeback helped to go change/add things in order for a conventional, thus successful link between my ancillary products and promotional music video.

Below, is Nadia responding to my final ancillary products. Overall, she (and others thought my ancillary products were very effective). Therefore, me following the conventions of pop genre has made my work successful.

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