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Thursday 15 January 2015

Evaluation Question 4

Q) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Cinema screening feedback

Student A, aged 18 who is a fan of artists such as Beyonce, Cher Lloyd and Katy Perry. Student A mentioned the lip scene - which was actually very popular through out the whole of the target audience. Student A mentioned the slow part of the song and said the performance was excellent and the performer looked like she knew what she was doing. This made me feel like i did a good job as a director and camera person too.

Some of the audience feedback came back with problems with the camera. They said a filter should've been added to make it look less like we just used an ordinary camera and to make it look more professional. So maybe we could have spent more time on editing too. This allowed the group to be reminded that we spent so much time on filming and re-shooting, that we didn't spend enough time on editing and adding filters etc.

Rough cut feedback

Nadia said the rough cut was good and her favourite part was the scene of projection using the lips on the screen. She did mention that the motorbike scene had different lighting compared to the rest of the video so maybe it's not that good to keep. Another thing Nadia mentioned was that in some scenes our performer looked away.

This feedback really helped us to remove or add scenes that weren't good enough and it gave us time to go back and re-film if we needed to. The feedback was honest and in detail which was helpful too. Audience feedback allowed me to look at maybe some mistakes as the camera person was making. For example, making sure the artist was always looking at the camera when filming - this would've saved time and energy rather than re-shooting several times.

Ancillary work feedback

Ismail said the use of red and white was creative and he liked the look of it too. He liked how the CD on the outside panel had a drop shadow on it because it stood out and seemed more 3D and realistic. The use of the images were creative too and worked well together. This audience feedback has helped me to look at not just the good parts of the digipak, but also parts where improvement could've been added. 

Ismail also mentioned that I could've added the artist's website and social media links on the advertisement to really get the word around through the target audience to keep updated. i could've added the Instagram link too. However, he loved the use of the reviews on the advert because it seemed realistic and professional. The layout was planned out well.

From my audience feedback. I've learnt that their opinion is actually very important because if it doesn't engage them, an artist wouldn't get any recognition or enough recognition for their new album. The audience don't need to practice what they like - they just know what they like and it is clear through my digipak, that I used the right research for my target audience.

Without audience feedback and research, it would've been impossible to know exactly what the audience was looking for. Therefore, it wouldn't have been successful. After producing the work, the feedback helped me to find out if I listened to the audience from the research and if it was effective.

if there was no research or feedback, the music video or ancillary work wouldn't have attracted the audience the way I needed it to. Also, when the audience notice the conventions and things that they specifically look for, it shows that we did listen and applied their thoughts on it.

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